jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014


Hello! This is our first post, and as we have said in the presentation, we are going to talk about music therapy in this blog, and how to use it for education and help people with autism.
Depending on the author, the music therapy is defined as:
 “An intervention systematic process, where the professional helps the patient in order to obtain health with music experiences and the relations that are created by them as the dynamic strength of change”. (Brusca, K. Barcelona Publisher, 1998)
“The music therapy is the resonant sensorial approximation to certain number of mental and psychological difficulties with therapeutic intention”. Edith Lecourt (music therapist)
So, the music therapy is a mix between music and therapy, it’s a treatment or recovery by the combination of sounds.

It can be use in many fields and different people with different problems, like psychosis, autism, drug addiction, bulimia/anorexia... but our main interest is on autism.